Sherburne Fiber Explained in 3 Minutes
Note: The video above describes the typical fiber network where it's customers bear the construction cost of the network. As a result of the State of New York assisting with the cost of building our network, Sherburne Fiber customers will not have a large (if any) charge on their billing to pay for the CapEx borrowing. Our prices will be lower from the start.
A Message from Mayor William Acee

For over twenty years, I have pondered the possibility of creating our own broadband fiber optic network to provide a new competitive option for our residents and in the process, dramatically improve access to the Internet. Working together with staff we have spent the last several months developing a plan that would allow us to do what is necessary to build such a network. Today we’re ready to build such a network. We were recently selected as one of four communities to participate in the Governor’s Connect All Program. That means we are being financially supported to install a fiber to every home. We would like to engage you, our community and as with our Village owned and operated electric distribution system, ask that you sense your ownership along with your neighbors and friends by joining our new internet system when it is up and running.
​It’s one of the questions I hear most often: why don’t we have more options for Internet access in Sherburne especially from our neighbors in the rural Township? Reliable Internet is critical infrastructure – no different than electricity, water, sewer, or roads. This is our answer. Creating a Village owned fiber optic network. We look forward to your input.
​Reliable Internet/fiber is critical infrastructure. We are in the beginning stages of this process, but the potential benefits driving the concept and our work include:
Substantially lowering the cost of Internet access for residents and businesses.
Significantly increasing the speed and reliability of Internet access.
Taxes would not be increased to fund the network
Nobody will be forced to participate. Participation would be on a voluntary, opt-in basis.
Providing competition and giving residents multiple options for Internet Service Providers on demand in real time.
The creation of a state-of-the-art network that will improve economic development and foster innovation.
Leverage the network to improve the services provided in the Village and Sherburne Electric territory including public safety, transportation, healthcare, education, emergency communications, transactive energy (smart grid) and new services that will become possible with advanced network infrastructure.
The Village has begun building a fiber optic network. You can see the Village line trucks installing cable today in your neighborhood. We’ll be sharing more information and answering your questions via our website, community meetings, and a series of other outreach efforts. Reliable internet is part of today’s way of life. A fiber optic network is critical.
I wish to thank Governor Hochul and Chairman CEO Justin Driscoll at the New York Power Authority for supporting Sherburne as a pilot project and much look forward to seeing where this process leads us together as a community. I also wish to thank Congresswoman Tenney for her early support of funding.
William Acee – Mayor of Sherburne
Want to be part of the Sherburne Fiber Network?
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